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Samurai (侍) were a warrior nobility class in Japan. They follow Bushido.

The Emperor (天皇, tennō) is [usually] a hereditary ruler of an empire or a series of regions. In Japan, being emperor was a divine right. Through much of Japan's history, the emperor was the de-facto ruler, and sovereignty of the state was exercised by the shoguns. The central state was often seen having less power than in Kanto.


(将軍) Highest military superior who served, and was appointed by, the Emperor of Japan. They lead a Shogunate or bakufu (幕府; tent goverment).
Jito (Stewards)
(地頭) Appointed by the shogunate, the jito managed and collected land taxation, and were also in charge of peace. The position was established by Minamoto no Yoritomo.
Shugo (Protectors)
(守護) In charge of military and guard service; command samurai; investigation. Eventually, the Shogunate's power waned and the shugo became daimyo. The position was established by Minamoto no Yoritomo.
Post-Shugo title. Sometiems called "Shugo Daimyo" and "Sengoku Daimyo" (14-15th century). During mutual conflict, one daimyo held their own domains or divided them among their vassals.
(御家人) Vassals of the shogunate. They became shugo or jito.
(国衙) ?
(郷士; merchant samurai)
(家老) -- Two types: jōdai karō (城代家老; castle keeper elder. A castellan) and Edo karō (江戸家老; edo house elder).


Ji-samurai (地侍 and 地士), also called gokenin and ji-zamurai (地侍) is a social position for small ruling families. That would include the zachi ryoshu (在地領主; local country feudal lord), who headed the ji-samurai. Dogo (土豪) were local clans; apparently, zachi ryoshu were also called kokujin ryoshu (在地領主). Influential farmers or village heads form a master-servant relationship with the shugo and zachi lords to become samurai.[1]. They wanted to become territorial lords independent of the formal samurai, but subjugation was too prominent. Ji-samurai played a large role in Ikki (peasant uprisings), some becoming subordinate to the daimyo of the Sengoku Jidai era and local feudal lords in return for land rent (加地子; kajishi).

About Kajishi
In the Japanese medieval period, the term kajishi (加地子) means rice delivered as tax to a resident land-owner (名主; myoshu), on top of annual tribute (年貢; nengu) and peasant land tax (地子; jishi) for the kokushi (国衙; provincial governors).


  • Gōzoku (豪族)
  • Dogo (土豪)

Tokugawa Era[]

  • Hatamoto


(幟) Japanese banner. Often used during battles, containing the symbols of the families, armies, temples, etc.
Musha shugyō
(武者修行) An adventure of a samurai, who wanders the land practicing and honing his skills without the protection of his family or school. Warrior's pilgrimage


External Links[]
